The West Virginia Division of Highways announced that Rig Road (CR 10) in Hardy County it closed to through traffic for road work.
The work zone will be approximately 4.50 miles north of the junction with US 220 outside of Petersburg and 0.40 miles south of the junction with Frosty Hollow Road (CR 10/1).
The closure will be between the hours of 7:30 a.m. and 5:30 p.m., Monday through Saturday. The roadway will be re-opened during non-working hours.
Flaggers will be present for local traffic, school buses, and emergency vehicles, however significant delays should be expected. Motorists are advised to seek an alternate route.
The roadway closure is necessary for the Soil Nail Contractor (GSI) and DOH forces to repair a slide area along this route. The closure allows the soil nail contractor to expedite the repairs by minimizing stoppage for traffic control through the work zone.
The work is expected to be completed in approximately four weeks.