Twenty Years. First Unbased Opinion was written for November 2nd, 1994 issue. I wrote in favor of a bond issue to finance construction of Moorefield’s Middle School. It passed. Twenty years later I’m writing another election column. I’ll begin this one with another ballot mea- sure, an amendment to West Virginia’s Constitution to allow non profit youth groups to make a profit from property they own without those proceeds being taxed. At least, considering the “funny” ballot language and “fuzzy” explanations I’ve read in other newspapers, I think that’s what it’s about. I’m not sure. Ostensibly, the amendment is to benefit Boy Scouts of America (BSA) in use of their National Jamboree site at New River Gorge. It’ll also be a boon to tourism in that part of West Virginia. Great ideas, except the ballot amendment never mentions BSA or New River Gorge. I’m told an amendment can’t be passed benefitting only one named group, so it’s written to benefit only nonprofit youth groups with facilities worth $100 million or more in order to aim it specifically at the BSA property. Furthermore, legislation would still need to be introduced and passed governing use of such tax free properties. If the ballot measure passes, the whole matter rests on those laws, not yet introduced. It might get interesting when those laws attempt to differentiate between various youth groups interested in other sites in the state. I’d guess $100 million is no big deal to various Islamist (religious) youth groups who might want to hide a training center in the West Virginia mountains and how will laws differentiate between groups for good and groups for bad, if specific groups can’t be named. If passed the amendment will be around in perpetuity, will likely be used several (many?) times for political benefit and I don’t buy it. I’ll vote NO. Rest of the ballot. I’ll vote for Capito. She’s a proven worker for West Virginian’s causes. Natalie Tennant reminds me of Sarah Palin. Sort of incompetent brass and sass. Phoebe says Ed Rabel, an Independent, is our man for US House of Representatives. He’s a news man with a solid, even handed reputation. I’ll vote for him. Mooney is a carpetbagger of the first water out looking for a House seat so he can collect easy street retirement some day. I suppose I’ll vote for Dave Sypolt, Republican, for State Senator. Both he and Shaver are from Preston County where Democrats are likely to be union supported. I don’t know anything about either candidate. All other things being equal, I vote against unions when I can. Isaac House of Delegates. Sponaugle for sure. He has a term of experience under his belt, a serious young lawyer who is likely to rise high enough in House leadership to make a difference for those he represents. Steve Davis makes a good part of his reputation off of the Moorefield Examiner to which he give almost no credit. In the business of journalism, plagiarism is theft of hard work, researching, composing, writing and publishing not to mention long hours in public meetings and interview gathering and analyzing facts for well written stories. Jean Flanagan, Managing Editor and my wife, Phoebe Heishman, Owner Publisher, Editor of the Moorefield Examiner don’t get the credit for furnishing Mr. Davis material that they deserve. I’m not in favor of a man who takes the easy way out moving to the House of Delegates. H. Charles Carl for Judge. Only choice on the ballot, he’s done well and son, James says he’s good judge. Harold Michael for County Commissioner. Again, only choice. I hope he uses his politic ability and popularity with voter to guide Hardy County back onto the rails, the right track. Not to worry. If I do slow on column writing, I’ll try to be handy to write Unbased Opinion against progressives in 2016.