By Steve Pendleton
On Monday, December 2, 2024, the Hardy County Board of Education met in regular
session. Present were Dixie Bean, President; Melvin Shook, Vice-president; board
members Douglas Hines, and Janet Rose; Dr. Sheena VanMeter, Superintendent;
Jennifer Strawderman, Assistant Superintendent; Shawn Cullers, Executive Secretary
to the Superintendent; Beth Barr, Director of Student Support Services; and Josh See,
Director Transportation and Maintenance.
The meeting opened with prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance.
Josh See provided an update and photographs of the progress on the Moorefield
Elementary Auxiliary building. He and maintenance staff made significant progress
recently spent three days installing indoor lights, ventilation and weatherization. Drywall
was installed in the electrical room and issues with plumbing were fixed. See said that
the building is heated and very comfortable. Principal Wade Armentrout and volunteers
have begun to paint the walls which are 120 feet by 60 feet. Bathroom plumbing and
fixtures are in place. See indicated that field turf will be installed on the floor. While
outdoor turf is replaced every 10 years, the duration for indoor turn isn’t known but
would last longer.
Melvin Shook inquired about the water leak at East Hardy High School (EHHS) which
has escalated the monthly water bill to around $3,000. The Hardy County Public
Service District (PSD) visited the site twice. See said that it was believed that problem
had been resolved but PSD director Logan Moyers called him on the Monday after
Thanksgiving to report that usage was still running high. While it known that the leak is
not inside the building, the flow of water is not visible above ground anywhere on school
property. Janet Rose asked about digging until the leak was found. While that could be
an expensive option, she said that in the long run it may save money. Digging would
begin at the meter and extend from there. Dixie Bean inquired if there was evidence of
leakage at the water meter. See noted that area wasn’t showing a leak. Consensus
among board members is to begin digging as soon as possible.
Two new school buses will arrive Wednesday, December 11 th , much sooner than
expected. One bus is electrical which See was able to secure without charge through
the state Department of Education. He and M & M Trucking owner Andy Miller, recently
toured the electric bus manufacturing plant in South Charleston. Both came away very
impressed. The buses come with an 8-year guarantee on the battery. See said that
maintenance is much more efficient. As well, the buses have what is known as a
degenerative braking system. As brakes are applied going downhill, the battery
recharges, so the energy used going uphill is instantly restored.
Dr. VanMeter and See made a presentation to School Board Authority (SBA) in
Charleston to request funding for a new man trap (revolving door) at Moorefield Middle
School and new hardware for exterior doors at East Hardy Elementary. SBA director
Andy Neptune asked that Hardy County Schools contribute 10 percent toward the cost.
If the funding is approved, school board members must approve that expense.
In reference to the discussion at the last board meeting about maintenance costs for
buses, Rose inquired about record keeping for repairs. See stated that he does
maintain a log of all repairs that are reviewed to determine if one bus is being repaired
more frequently than others. When that happens, a discussion is held to decide
whether the bus should be retired. One bus that is older than 12 years has had several
problems. It is not the oldest vehicle in the fleet but in the lower one-third. Rose has
noticed from invoices that the same buses need repairs. See believes that any bus at
12 years or older is a money pit.
Consent Items
The board approved minutes from the November 4 th regular meeting and minutes from
the special meeting of November 22 nd .
Unfinished Business
The Emergency Substitute List Policy was passed unanimously.
New Business
Dr. VanMeter presented the winning bid for the Moorefield Middle School Roof and
HVAC system. The bid was approved without objection. The superintendent provided
information regarding violation of school bus stops. Three motorists have been
criminally charged since January 2023 including the most recent incident in October
- WELD has run spots in the station’s community news feature warning people to
observe flashing lights during bus stops. Jessica Markwood has made arrangements for
a billboard with the message to look out for buses and children. Sheriff Steve Dave and
Moorefield Chief of Police Stephen Riggleman are expected to attend a board meeting
soon to discuss the concern.
Mission Statements/Accomplishments
The EHHS girls’ volleyball team was recognized for a stellar season. They are playing
in the semifinals at the state tournament this week.
The superintendent’s contract was unanimously approved. The contract runs through
- The personnel recommendations presented by Dr. VanMeter were also
With no further business, a motion and seconded to adjourn the meeting was passed.
The next Hardy County Board of Education meeting will convene at Moorefield High
School on Monday, December 16 th beginning at 6:00 p.m.