By Steve Pendleton
The Wardensville Town Council convened in regular session on Monday, December 9, 2024 at the Visitor’s Center. Present were Mayor Besty Orndoff-Sayers; Council members Charlotte Bowman, Serena Kay Cline, Michael Funkhouser, Ed Klinovski, and Jackie McGuiness; Erich Atkinson, Public Works Supervisor; Aaron Fishel and Billy Smith, Capon Valley Fire Department.
The meeting opened with prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance.
The Capon Valley Fire Department (CVFD) was recognized by the Town Council for the exceptional service that they have consistently provided to Wardensville. A check in the amount of $500 was presented to CVFD representatives Aaron Fishel and Bobby Smith.
Mayor’s Report
The town has received a Notice to Proceed for the Dilapidated Building Demolition Project. The Notice has been shared with David Pittsnogle, whose company will do the work on this project. Pittsnogle is providing the interior demolition for the cafeteria building as that project is underway. Project documents have been submitted to the West Virginia Office of Energy for the Visitor’s Center heating and cooling system. The town waiting to receive the Notice to Proceed. Bobby Westfall will be doing the work on this project. He is working to get temporary heat in the building.
The park remains closed to the public due to the construction work on the property. Mowery’s Contracting was the successful bidder for the large sidewalk project at the park. Roger Holiday will install the smaller sidewalk, bench pads, and pavilion base. Work has begun for both projects. Velley Eco Sandblasting will redo the basketball back stops.
Erich Atkinson and Ed Klivnoski continue to make repairs as water leaks arise. They are involved with checking in with the new water project supervisors. The projects are quickly making progress. The mayor submitted a grant application to the Appalachian Regional Commission for READY funds. She appreciates the assistance received from the Region 8 Development Council and town staff in assembling the necessary documents for this $50,000 grant opportunity.
Orndoff-Sayer will meet with Jennifer Strawderman, Assistant Superintendent for Hardy County Schools next week. The Benedum Foundation of Pittsburgh has provided funding to Hardy County Schools to implement a parent literacy program. Hardy County Schools is partnering with Word Play Connect for this program. They are interested in using the town library once a month for the program. There is currently a program in place in Moorefield.
Wardensville was able to assist the Lion’s Club in finding a tree for Christmas Joy. D.L. Funk provided a tree for the program. Steve Shook and the Big Blue participants helped to install and decorate the tree. Karen Findley and some of the Big Blue participants decorated small Christmas trees for the planters.
Public Works Report
Atkinson announced that as part of the water system project, all new fire hydrants have been installed on Isaac Lane, Warden Acres, and Mulberry Lane. Two risers that elevate the hydrants to a proper level are needed in Warden Acres. Water meters were replaced at Stonecrest Village. The new pipeline to that neighborhood has also been installed.
The new well number 3 in the town park is nearly completed. It is 220 feet deep. Discussions have been held regarding the need for a fourth well. Snyder Environmental has video taped all manhole covers so new units will be correctly replaced.
Unfinished Business
Resolution 2024-1016 was presented for review to the Council concerning a third draw (proposal) for the water system project. Contractors’ bids thus far for the project have faced a slow approval time from RK&K, the civil engineering firm overseeing the water project. Bids approved by the firm are then sent to the Region 8 Development Council for authorization. The resolution was passed with unanimous consent. The Development Council forwarded an approved proposal to the USDA (United States Department of Agriculture) for future funding of the old high school cafeteria project. Plans call for a fitness center to be installed. Other ideas will be gathered from citizens at a future public meeting.
New Business
Wardensville will send representatives to the West Virginia Municipal League Spring Conference in Charleston on March 16-18, 2025.
With all business being addressed, a motion and second to adjourn the meeting was passed. The next Town Council meeting is scheduled for Monday, January 13, 2025 in the Visitor’s Center beginning at 6:30 p.m.