By Steve Pendleton
On Monday, January 6, 2024, the Hardy County Board of Education met in an abbreviated session due to the severe weather. Present were Dixie Bean, President; Melvin Shook, Vice-president (audio); board members Roy Harper (audio), Douglas Hines, and Janet Rose (audio); Dr. Sheena VanMeter, Superintendent; and Josh See, Director Transportation and Maintenance (audio).
Josh See reported that the water leak at East Hardy High School was determined to be in a line going down to the fieldhouse. Although the exact spot of the leak has not been located, the valve was shut off stopping the flow and the meter now registers zero. The arrival of the electric bus is on hold for now. See’s contact at Green Power Motors, Steve Ellis, has left the company. He will contact Ellis to find who was named as his replacement and reach out to that person. The two new diesel buses were delivered. However, the State Transportation director has a new policy requiring all buses to be inspected once they are road worthy. To date, two-way radios have been installed, designated numbers were attached to the buses and motor vehicle tags added. See will make arrangements for the inspection as soon as possible. An electric arc was flashing in room 310 when the lights were turned on. The switch has been replaced.
Consent Items
The board approved minutes from the December 16th regular meeting.
Unfinished Business
New Business
The Board unanimously approved School Building Authority of West Virginia Grant Contract with Hardy County.
Board Member/Superintendent Discussion
Janet Rose commended the Hardy County Sheriff’s Department for recently citing two drivers for failure to remain behind a bus as students were exiting during a stop.
The next Board of Education meeting will be held on Tuesday, January 21, 2025 at the central office. The meeting was moved as Martin Luther King, Jr. Day falls on Monday of that week. Condolences were offered to employees Lola Crider, Pam Swick, David Mays, and David Rudy for the loss of close family members.
Executive Session
The Board entered into executive session at 5:11 p.m. The session was completed at 5:31 p.m.
A motion and second was made to approve the personnel recommendations of the Superintendent as presented. The Board voted 5-0 to approve the motion.