By Steve Pendleton
The Hardy County Emergency Ambulance Authority (HCEAA) met on Wednesday, January 8, 2025 at the 911 Center in Moorefield. Present were Paul Lewis, President; Tim Thorne, Vice-president; Jean Flanagan, Secretary; board member Fran Welton; County Commissioner Steve Schetrom; Executive Director Derek Alt; Assistant Director Nathan Kesner; David Pratt, Billie Jo Biddle, Mike Phillips of the West Hardy Emergency Medical Services (WHEMS); Tom Walker of the Wardensville Volunteer Rescue Squad, and community member Roger Vacovsky.
The meeting opened with the Pledge of Allegiance and prayer.
Minutes from the meeting of December 4, 2024 were approved.
Treasurer’s Report
Derek Alt reported revenue and disbursements for the final quarter of 2024 covering October through December. Total revenue for the period was $406,704. This included $310,000.00 from the Hardy County Commission (ambulance fee fund), $93,642 in service call fees, and other income of $3,061. At the end of December, the checking account held $18,294 while the saving account totaled $ 9,906.
Old Business
Building/Grounds – Derek Alt stated an engineer visited the Baker site and determined that the crack in the floor of the bay was the result of the building’s natural settling.
Equipment – All equipment is in working order.
Vehicles – Units 371 and 372 are in service. Unit 373 is functioning after the transmission was replaced. The warranty largely took care of the cost. HCEAA’s share of the repair was $2,766.10. Units 376 and 383 are in service, needing only minor work. The Serv3/Argo is functioning. Alt noted that all vehicles recently passed inspections conducted by the West Virginia Office of Emergency Medical Services.
Calls for Service
Paul Lewis reported the following calls for service during December.
West Hardy Emergency Services – 102
HCEAA – 74
Wardensville Volunteer Rescue Squad – 35
Alt announced that the public training calendar for 2025 is available on the agency website ( Anyone who is interested in the following sessions can sign up on web page.
January 15th at Baker: Mass Casualty Incident Refresher and Hazmat
January 17th and 18th at Romney: Prehospital Trauma Life Support
February 2nd, 4th, 5th 6th at Romney: Struggle Well
February 19th at Baker: Basic Life Support/CPR
February 26th – March 2nd at Pipestem State Park Resort: Escape
Nathan Kesner said that the state is offering a Leadership Certificate Training online. Lewis noted that 911 dispatchers in need of a Red Cross class.
New Business
County Commission
Lewis indicated that the County Commission will begin meeting twice each month alternating between morning and evenings sessions. The later meetings will allow people who work during the day an opportunity to attend. The first evening meeting is set for Tuesday, January 21st at 5:00 p.m. The following session will return to the morning schedule at 9:00 on Tuesday, February 4th. This is an experimental schedule that will be reviewed after six-month to determine whether it should be continued. Public attendance at the evening meetings will be the deciding factor.
Company 21 Update (West Hardy)
Dave Pratt said that the company’s move from its previous location on Washington Street to Spring Avenue in the old Gap building was successful and has turned out well. He recognized several members of the community who donated time and labor as well as financial contributions for needed renovations. American Woodmark donated kitchen cabinets and Fertigs provided countertops for the kitchen. A pre-fabricated structure should be delivered where a fourth ambulance will be kept. Mike Phillips and his staff provided time but will be paid for certain jobs.
A new vehicle may not be delivered for a few months, maybe as late as summer. A labor shortage at the company putting the box on the chassis is the culprit causing the delay. Pratt said that West Hardy has joined companies from three area counties to apply for a FEMA grant which would be used to replace heart monitors. Billie Jo Biddle distributed the company’s 2024 financial records. Aggregate costs for the year was $781,268 while revenue totaled $922,372. She plans to purchase fluids warmers to be installed in the ambulances. Being a non-profit organization, any profit is spent to make improvement in operations.
West Hardy Request for Additional Stipend Funds
Biddle asked that the HCEAA board approve a request for additional funds to cover the costs of raises which were already been provided to Company 21 staff in October 2024. The raises were for EMVO-Driver (Emergency Medical Vehicle Operator) – previously $14 to $17 per hour; EMT-B – previously $16 to $20 per hour; and paramedics – formerly $20 to $25 an hour. Biddle also asked that the monthly draw down from the county be increased from $15,000 each month to $25, 0000. Following a motion and second, the board approved the requested raise.
Following brief discussion, the board approved invoices from October through December 2024.
Lewis recommended that monthly HCEAA board meetings be changed to the third Monday of each month effective in February. Board members consented to the request. County Commissioner Steve Schetrom established four principles that he believes are essential guidelines for the board going forward in 2025.
- The authority of the board is not linked to any one agency but serves as an oversight and support for all three companies in the county.
- All agencies are treated equitably.
- A restructuring of the Baker company to operate more efficiently is imperative.
- All of the above items must occur before an ambulance fee increase is considered.
In response, Tim Thorne noted that the imbalance of financial distribution among the agencies seems to be the number one concern among citizens and will need to be fixed before they consider approval any referendum that increases their fees. Jean Flangan
said that the cost of each agency per call was the most effective way to determine a fair allotment of funds. Kesner and Biddle agreed that in providing information for each company, that the same metrics must be applied. Both agreed to work together to supply that data to the HCEAA Board.
Fran Welton observed that in comparison to the tension of recent meetings, the session this evening was characterized by an atmosphere of much cooperation, positive outlooks, and the betterment of ambulance services in Hardy County.
With all business being completed, the meeting was adjourned. The HCEAA Board of the Directors will convene on Monday, February 17th starting at 6:30 p.m. at the HCEAA office in Baker.