Dear Editor:
The holiday season was lifted up once again by the annual food and monetary donation drive by Judy Ball and the staff of the State Farm Insurance Agency, Moorefield. Between Thanksgiving and Christmas, they collected over six thousand (6000) items of food, cleaning products, and personal hygiene products. They also collected $30,000.00 in cash donations, all of which were shared among area food pantries.
The goal of the area food pantries is to help prevent food insecurity in our area by providing healthy, nutritious foods to individuals and families to supplement monthly allotments or to provide emergency assistance. These very generous donations help us keep our shelves stocked and purchase important food items not provided by the Mountaineer Food Bank.
Moorefield Active Caring (The MAC House) located at 223 Maple Avenue, Moorefield, is one of the beneficiaries of this tremendous fund raiser. The facility is open on Monday and Wednesday from 10am to 3pm. and Friday from 10am to 2pm. This is not a grocery store but is there to help people who might run short at the end of the month. If you have questions, please call 304-530-7342 during business hours.
The MAC House also sells slightly used clothing for a very reasonable price. The profit from these sales is used to support the cost of the building operation. Donations of clean used clothing in good repair are accepted during business hours.
Thanks again to Judy and her staff for the efforts required to make this project tremendously successful. We appreciate you very much.
Moorefield Active Caring Board of Directors