So many serious subjects I want to write about, but they’re hard to wrap words around. If I can’t organize thoughts and make words flow, they’ll not be worth reading and it’s hard to get you folks interested in serious subjects anyway.
I want to change public education. I’ve thought about ridding the system of the whole idea of grades one through twelve. Let’s develop a system based upon proficiency levels instead. Proficiency levels describe student capabilities with much greater precision than simply noting he graduated from XYZ school in Podunk, West Virginia. Employers can hire based upon proficiency certification rather than certificates of grade completion, i.e. a diploma.
Our President has recently proposed free Community College for everyone. A stupid idea. Why make my kid who wants to work at Pilgrims, pay to send your kid to college for an education he may not even use?
Free Daycare for everybody? Another stupid idea. Why should I pay taxes to send your child to daycare while you goof off socializing on Facebook and pushing shopping carts around Walmart? Same goes for Universal Pre-Kindergarten.
I think the recent White House intruder incident was allowed to happen. Not staged, but allowed by intended laxity. I think it achieved its objective.
Early in hand wringing and blame passing following the intrusion, the female administrator of Secret Service resigned. She’d been originally installed following an incident in Columbia when off duty Secret Service agents sought and procured services of prostitutes. A female agent blew the whistle and ruined a bunch of careers.
Female boss’ resignation was payback and a message was sent. If we want a macho force to protect our President to the point of taking a bullet for him, then don’t tell those men they can’t play like a man.
Why can’t we outlaw purchase of cigarettes, liquor and lottery tickets by folks who use food stamps? I’ve seen people pay for food of questionable nutritive value with food stamps followed by purchase of lottery scratch off tickets with cash from another pocket. Might be easier to pass such a law than it has been to pass one demanding drug tests for public assistance recipients.
- So, are people plants or animals or something entirely different? Where do we fit in the big picture of life on earth?
Still, lots of hullabaloo in the news about Evolution as explained by scientists and Creation as promoted by at least some religious orders. Almost every year scientists find remains of human ancestry and relatives based upon gene evidence. I’m not sure, have studied, precepts of Creation enough to know how they explain these new findings.
I have had it carefully explained to me that man is neither animal or plant. Genesis claims that God made plants on the Third Day while animals and Man were created on the Sixth Day, but Man is different because he was created to rule over all other life, both plant and animal.
I grew up in a household with plant, animal and human characteristics that were widely discussed: Veterinarian/farmer father, a Bacteriologist/laboratory technician mother. I tend to agree with them that God made the Earth and everything on it and then created evolution to guide change as necessary to adjust to changing relationships.
You may see some of the above topics pop up again when spirit moves me and words come. Until then, hope you find food for thought or two with these offerings.