By Patrick Hurston
Last week the Examiner ran a correction to its Feb. 5, 2025, story, “Open council seats
attract seven candidates, Zuber and Fawley hope to switch positions.” This week we
offer an update.
In the original story we stated that town council candidate Matthew Harris did not
respond to the Examiner’s request for comment on his candidacy. Though we attempted
to reach Harris, it turns out we were provided an incorrect email address by the town
clerk. Harris never received the inquiry.
We spoke with Harris last week about his desire to earn a seat on the council.
“I’m very anti-corruption,” Harris said, explaining his rationale for running. “The Hardy
County corruption has plagued this area for many years.”
Harris cited concerns over the Hardy County Emergency Ambulance Authority (HCEAA)
budget and ongoing personnel issues within the Moorefield Police Department as
primary drivers of his desire to run.
Harris, who has lived in Hardy County the past three years, previously ran twice for
state delegate in Jefferson County.
Of Hardy County he said, “I love the area. It’s home. But I’ve heard too much about
corruption. People are so fed up with the ‘good old boy’ network. People want new
He said fiscal responsibility and affordable housing are also top of mind for him.
As examples he pointed to a council discussion and vote centered around spending
$20,000 on flowerpots to be placed around town. “It didn’t sit well with me,” he said.
Harris is also concerned about what he claims are “so many undocumented workers at
Pilgrims Pride” taking up housing in the Moorefield area.
“I’m very pro-business, pro-real estate,” he said. “If elected I’d personally meet with real
estate and business owners to better suit our citizens.”