WIC offers nutrition education and healthy foods to pregnant, breastfeeding, and postpartum individuals, infants to age 1, and children to age 5. Either parent or a designated guardian can bring a child to appointments. Please call (304) 538-3382 for more information or to schedule an appointment.
Hardy County WIC
Wilson Plaza (First Floor)
712 North Main Street Suite 105
Moorefield WV 26836
Tuesdays, December 3, 10 & 17, and Fridays, December 6, 13 & 27 from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. with full services
Also Mondays, December 23 & 30, from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. with full services due to holiday closures.
We will be closed:
December 20 Regional Staff Training
December 24 Christmas Eve
December 31 New Year’s Eve
Hardy County participants can also receive services in Petersburg if evening appointments or other days of the week are desired.
WIC is an Equal Opportunity Provider.