By Steve Pendleton
The Wardensville Town Council convened in regular session on Monday, January 13, 2025 at the Visitor’s Center. Present were Mayor Besty Orndoff-Sayers; Council members Greg Alderman, Charlotte Bowman, Serena Kay Cline, Michael Funkhouser, Ed Klinovski, and Jackie McGuiness; Erich Atkinson, Public Works Supervisor.
Mayor’s Report – January 2025
I am pleased to report that we have received the Notice to Proceed for the Visitor’s Center Furnace and HVAC Replacement Grant. I have contacted Bobby Westfall about moving forward on the Visitor’s Center work. It is tentatively scheduled for the week of January 20th – weather permitting. We have received a solar panel waiver for the Department of Energy (DOE) Solar Array Project. I will update documents for the DOE award and wait to receive a Notice to Proceed.
Demolition work on the old doctor’s office has begun. There is a lot of community interest in this project. Updates on Facebook will be posted. Approval has been received for the contract with Ferrari & Associates to do the annual audit for 2034-24 and 2024-25. Erich Atkinson and Ed Klivnoski continue to work on water leaks. They recently repaired the water boy hose. Recent work includes checking in with the water system project supervisors. The project was idle over the holiday season and recently delayed due to the weather. Installation of the system has caused the park to remain closed to the public.
Travis Long, our Division of Highways Corridor H contact is retiring on January 24th. Town engineers will meet with him prior to his departure to ensure that the well contracts are in place. We have received thank you notes from the Capon Valley Fire Department and the Lion’s Club for our donations to them. Mike Funkhouser asked the Lion’s Club to consider having the 2025 Christmas Joy on the Visitor’s Center grounds. The Community Center grounds could accommodate the event and provide an inside venue if needed. The Hardy County Community Foundation opened its 2025 Winter/Spring Grant window. I hope to apply for funds to purchase indoor pickleball court equipment to be used in the Community Center gym.
The Auditor’s Office will provide Municipal Budget Training in Martinsburg on January 28th at the Holiday Inn beginning at 5:30 p.m. Council members are welcome to attend. I am
researching two grant opportunities from T-Moblie and AARP for the J. Allen Hawkins Park.
Public Works Report
Erich Atkinson reported that a leak in the bank driveway will be repaired this Friday. A meeting was held today on the installation of remaining manholes as part of the new water system. The J.F. Allen Company announced that they will postpone adding new water meters until necessary hand-made parts arrive in mid-February. The first pipe of the new water system, a six-inch line, was laid in place in the Stonecrest division. The water is now flowing into homes of that neighborhood. Atkinson and Ed Klinovski have tied a radio signal device called an MXU (Meter Transceiver Unit) into each new water meter. Instead of exiting the truck to read each individual meter, they can pick up the meter reading for the month on a radio device just by driving by a residence. The MXU has a battery life of 10 years.
Unfinished Business
Orndoff asked council members to review and vote on three new resolutions. Resolution 2025-001 concerns the fourth draw for payment on the new sewer system totaling $102,500. Resolution 2025-002 relates to the fourth draw for payment on the water project that amounts to $750,000. A roll call vote resulted in passage of both resolutions by 6-0. Resolution 2025-003 was addressed following a request from the West Virginia State Auditor’s office to report whether all of the allotted $800 in coal severance tax received by the town was spent. In comparison, Charleston received $41,411 in severance tax funds for the 3rd quarter alone. The council was unanimous in approving the resolution. An independent observation by this reporter concludes that perhaps the Auditor’s Office consider omitting this requirement for municipalities that receive less than $1,000 from this account.
New Business
Council engaged in considerable discussion concerning the installment of a digital information sign on Main Street. The electronic board posts notices like a boil water advisory, fitness center hours, or other relevant news for citizens. The current sign is an optic #4, and displays the lowest quality and definition. Sometimes it appears to have a “crayon” look. Option #1 provides the highest definition and elaborate graphics. However, that model is cost prohibitive. Council decided that the town should pursue installing an Option #2 or #3.
Benches and sitting pads have been installed at the park courtesy of a grant from the LWCF. Orndoff-Sayers presented estimates for a project to fill a 24×24 hole at the park with a pavilion including a concrete pad and canopy. A 20×20 concrete pad covered a metal roof will cost $18,000. An area measuring 18×18 will run $11,000. If funds are available, the pool house may be restored or updates made to the rec trail. Jason Smith offered to cut 22 trees and provide cleanup and removal for $6,500. Council members believe this is a very reasonable estimate and urged to mayor to proceed.
Orndoff-Sayers asked for permission for the town grant writer to pursue funding for solar street lights from the Safe Roads and Street Program or the Appalachian Regional Commission. A grant would furnish 80 percent of the funding with the town contributing the rest. The lights would be installed along with banners during holiday periods. Another grant would provide money for pole fixtures. Alternatively, it would cost $1,000 to $1,500 to install electric outlets on the poles along Main Street. The council authorized the grant writer to pursue the funding. A 6-0 vote approved spending no more than $10,000 on exterior public Christmas lights in 2025. Auditor’s training is available for council members and town staff on January 28th to prepare for the annual audit.
With all business being duly addressed, a motion and second to adjourn was approved. The next meeting of the Wardensville Town Council is scheduled for Monday evening, February 10, 2025 in the Visitor’s Center beginning at 6:30.