By Stephen Smoot
When it comes to writing, sometimes the writer goes forth on a quest in search of a story to tell. Eventually an author captures a topic, researches it, shapes it like a ball of dough into a narrative both enjoyable and comprehensible.
Other times, the story sneaks up on the writer and captures him rather than the other way around.
Rick Shockey grew up in Hardy County in the 1960s and 70s. Those born in the 21st century won’t understand, but children in those decades and a little beyond knew they lived among giants.
Not giants in terms of physique, but in the area of great and heroic deeds conducted in the worthiest of causes – freedom.
“I just didn’t notice it that much,” shared Shockey, speaking of the Memorial Wall that features the names of Hardy County residents who paid the ultimate sacrifice for freedom. When growing up, like many children, it served as part of the landscape, waiting for years of age and wisdom to reveal the true importance of remembering these people.
Shockey laughed and remembered that “we hid behind that wall to jump out and scare each other.”
After childhood, life experience shaped and molded the author and led him toward the story that would consume his life for several years.
Shockey graduated from Moorefield High School in 1979 – a time in which those who wished to go to college had fewer options to pay for it. He said “I knew I’d have to join the military if I wanted to go to college,” using the G. I. Bill.
His Uncle ____, a decorated Korean War veteran, suggested the United States Coast Guard. Shockey enlisted and found himself in basic training 10 days after finishing high school.
In either peacetime or war, the Coast Guard has to stand ready to go into service right away. The service protects the coastline against criminals while protecting and rescuing those who find themselves in danger in the ocean or adjacent waters. Shockey worked toward a job in search and rescue, piloting helicopters and racking up over 400 hours in the air.
On the G. I. Bill he went to West Virginia University to study business, but discovered a passion for history as well, serving as vice president of the Phi Alpha Theta history honorary society.
In 2008, Shockey read newspaper articles detailing lives of some of those who had served their country in World War II and what they did when they came home.
Historians often start where they see a gap or an unanswered question. Shockey enjoyed the articles and stories, many of them about men he and his family knew growing up. A question gnawed at him, though.
“Who’s writing about those men that didn’t make it back home,” he wondered. That came to mind, as well as the fact that one of those heroes on the wal was a relative of his.
One of the toughest parts of writing takes place after the research and before the writing. The author amasses more and more information, almost all of it interesting. Struggles set in when figuring out how to present and organize it.
At first, Shockey considered publishing newspaper articles, but concluded that “ a newspaper is not going to be able to hold this,” but at first thought a book would be beyond what he could do.
“I had 12 years of research,” he shared, then said “I had to put it in order.” Research included files he had obtained, stories collected from family, including brothers and sisters, all the elements needed to tell the full story of their meaningful, if shortened, lives.
Historians use different techniques to help guide their organization. Shockey said that he considered a number of ways to get a handle on the material, but concluded that the best way forward lay in periodization and geography. Periodization is using dates as guidepoints.
Shockey saw that most of the fallen lost their lives in Europe. He chose to use the most climactic point in the road to victory as his dividing line. The first book, which he is currently promoting throughout West Virginia and online, recounts the lives of those who perished prior to the June 1944 Battle of Normandy, generally called D-Day. The second book will cover those who died in the European theater after that point.
A third book will describe those who served in the Pacific theater, fighting against the Empire of Japan.
Shockey crafted a book that meets professional standards, including use of primary sources and citations, but “you don’t need a PhD to read it,” he noted. Shockey focuses on the experiences of their lives. He described a story which will appear in the third volume, that of Hilton Kessel. Kessel suffered unimaginably at the hands of his Japanese captors after courageous service fighting for his country. “The cruelty they unleashed on him,” Shockey stated, emotionally.
Emotionally because this is not a typical history book to him – just as it will not be to those in the area who buy and read it. This history hits home. Many readers will know the families. Some will even know those portrayed.
The tale is powerful, the heroes very real, their sacrifice one of honor.
Those who wish to meet the author and purchase the book can meet him at Grant County Library on Feb 21 starting when the facility opens. Shockey will deliver a full presentation there.
He will also be at Hardy County Library on Feb 22 from 9 AM to 2 PM.