By Patrick Hurston
In the Feb. 5, 2025, article “Open council seats attract seven candidates, Zuber and
Fawley hope to switch positions,” the Examiner incorrectly stated that Jim Trommatter
did not respond to its request for comment. In fact, the Examiner did not have contact
information for Mr. Trommatter at the time the article was written and did not contact
him. We regret the error.
Following publication, Mr. Trommatter responded to the Examiner about his intent to run
by saying, “I am a very new resident of Moorefield, having purchased the “Weese
House” on Washington Street in April 2022 after many decades of national level
service. I greatly appreciate the beauty of Moorefield and more so the community
cohesion we have in this small but great town. I am a candidate for a position on the city
council as I maintain a strong sense of civic obligation and seek to assist at this position
to advocate for city-wide stability yet be open to controlled improvement and growth if
the citizens so desire.”