How it works
The Hardy County Committee on Aging receives Federal funding through Title III for senior meals. Region VIII distributes the funding to each county in the 15-county region. Each month, HCCOA bills Region VIII for the previous month’s meals served. The monies then are received at the end of the month.
The money
Many people feel that their meal is paid in full by the government funding but that’s not the case. HCCOA receives $7 for every meal served at the center to people over the age 60; $7.50 for delivered meals and $5.50 for frozen meals. Recently, with the increased price of food, the cost of a meal has risen to over $10 per meal. That’s an average difference of $3.34 per meal! This cost difference is why we ask (not require) each meal participant to contribute money as they can. No one will be denied a meal if they cannot donate!
Why your donation is important
Recipient and community donations help to guarantee that our meal program continues to assist the many seniors of Hardy County. Without contributions, it will be in jeopardy. Many businesses, churches, local government and community organizations also contribute to our nutrition program to ensure it’s continuation. Without everyone’s generous contribution, our nutrition program could not exist.
If you or your business, church or community organization would like to participate in our meal sponsorship program, please give us a call at 304- 530-2256 for more details.